How a Healthy Mindset Can Improve Your Business

Tiba Al Khalidy Business Coach

Setting up and running a business is a big commitment. It requires energy and determination and a willingness to take on a range of challenges that will come your way. It is no wonder that many business owners experience a negative mindset, low confidence and bouts of anxiety at times, which can ultimately alter the success of a business. However, developing a positive mindset can help you unlock your potential and thrive in your business and life.

How to organise your business finances – 10 Top Tips!

Tiba Al Khalidy Business Coach

Getting your finances in order can seem like a daunting task, but creating an organised system and seamless process for your business finances can help you foresee any financial challenges and allow you to invest more in growing your business. Here are our top 10 tips to help you organise your business finances and give […]

Why is goal setting important to small business owners?

As a small business owner, it’s easy to lose sight of what you’re trying to achieve when you’re spinning multiple plates. Yet taking the time to sit down and set goals is one of the most powerful actions you can take in your business (as well as in your personal life) to see growth and success.