Keeping Positive

In such uncertain times it is so important to find ways to stay positive. Here I give my top tips for keeping positive and share some of the daily practices I am using to support my wellbeing at this time.

Practice gratitude

Every morning and evening I practice gratitude. Spending a brief moment to reflect on what we are grateful for can benefit our mood for the coming day, and improve our sleep. In times of chaos or the huge upheaval so many are experiencing in the world right now, it is more important than ever to remember what we are grateful for.

No matter how big or small, celebrate your achievements and be grateful for all we have. I am grateful for my health, my family, my work and my support networks. What are you grateful for today?

Be present.

When there are lots of things going on around us, it can be easy to get swept away in the noise of the world. Before we know it time, opportunities and precious moments have passed us by, and although we may have been there for them, we were not present.

I try to make sure that I am present as much as possible; especially when spending moments with my husband and children. Mindfulness techniques aid my ability to really take in moments around me.

Being present is also key to developing successful relationships professionally. I practice activities and exercises to encourage my clients to be present during consultations, so that we can both focus on the task at hand. It makes us more open to discussions and productive.

Exercise every day.

At this difficult time the positive benefits of exercise are all the more important to our wellbeing. I make sure that I exercise at least once a day; even if it is just a 30 minute walk. With limited options available as gyms and many social exercise classes remain closed, there are still online fitness classes and walking options available. I have found that it really does make a big positive difference to my life, mindset and wellbeing.

Do something you enjoy every day that give you happiness.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoy reading. I read for pleasure and professional development; and gain so much peace, inspiration and knowledge from the books I read. Having an activity that I enjoy restores my balance and allows me to stay present and happy regardless of circumstances beyond my control.

Currently, when there is so much uncertainty, ensure you are doing the things you love; spending time with your children, connecting with your support network; continuing a hobby. The positivity such things bring you will have an overall impact on your mood, outlook and day.

Connect with people who are positive and who you enjoy spending time with.

We are very fortunate that when we are being asked to stay away from the ones we love, we are still able to use technology to connect us. I use Zoom to connect with my clients, and have done for  a long time. But now I am able to use the platform to connect with relatives near and far whom I am not able to see; and to stay connected with those who support and inspire me professionally.

Networking groups that I attended in person, are now positively influencing my isolation by moving provisions online.

I see my children being supported in the same way; by staying connected with friends, family and their schools.

By surrounding yourself with positive influences and people, your own positivity will be developed and encouraged.

Keep calm

COVID-19 is affecting everyone! It doesn’t discriminate, people all around the world are affected, and information is widely accessible.

In times of such uncertainty it can be easy to fall into the mindset of panic. A lot of the media present the worst – case scenarios, and statistics are often thrown at us which poorly reflect the actual situation.

I try as best as I can to stay calm and positive. Practicing mindful techniques and gratitude really help me to do this; as does airing my concerns and worries with those I love.

It is so important in a world full of chaos, that we stay calm.

Are you facing challenges at the moment and need help maintaining a positive outlook?

You can email me to discuss how we can develop a positive mindset; and embed that within our working practices.

Tiba Al-Khalidy