My coaching style

Tiba Al Khalidy Business Coach

When I am coaching a client I focus on their personal development and mindset; and then four key areas of business.

The four key areas of a business are:

  1. Authentic Leadership
  2. Team Development
  3. Sales and Marketing
  4. Systems

When choosing a business coach to guide you through business, it’s important to get an idea of how they work and their focuses. Here I give you an insight into what I believe the four key areas of any business are, and how I help you to develop them.

Authentic Leadership

In order to be an authentic leader I would suggest that you need to:

  • Communicate honestly and clearly with your team, customers, and suppliers.
  • Lead your team instead of managing them.
  • Help your team discover their natural talent through the Talent Dynamic ™ Test and ensure 80% of their daily tasks are within their talents dynamic flow.
  • Trust and believe your team.
  • Empower your team to take full responsibility of their role, responsibilities and ways they can develop the business.
  • Listen to their suggestions without disempowering them.

When working with my clients I help to build each area to develop an authentic leadership style.

Team Development

Whether you are a running the business by yourself and needing to determine who works best with you supplier wise, or whether you already have a team working for you that you need to develop to grow with your growing business; team development is essential to the success of a business.

For successful team development you must always start with you as a business owner.

Consider what is your favourite part of leading a team and what you enjoy most about being a part of a team and let that guide you in your team development.

I love seeing how teams can flourish. How my clients can become the leaders of their business and support networks when they never knew it was possible by simply learning more about themselves.

Sales and Marketing

Failure to market online is one of the biggest causes for business failure. According to Invesp, 80% of Internet users have used the Internet to make a purchase, with 81% of Internet users using the internet to research products online before making a purchase.

Your business must be visible when potential clients are conducting online research and shopping and part of my coaching enables you to develop a winning sales and marketing strategy for your business.


It is essential to recognise the importance of systems in your business; and how imperative they are to making your processes and time efficient.

As well as discussing with you the right systems for you and your business, I can also advise on accounting systems as I am a qualified accountant too. As an accountant I am able to help develop accountancy programmes and systems for my clients to better aid them as a business coach.

If you would like more information on the coaching programmes, training and focus sessions I offer please contact me today at