Do You Exude Confidence?

Tiba Al Khalidy Business Coach

It’s Time You Learned To Women across the globe look to develop and exude confidence in romantic relationships, among their friend groups, and of course – at work. Whether you’re in a newer business or personal relationship, confidence can get your ideas heard, urge the next step in your progression at work, allow people to […]

Tips for adopting the entrepreneur mindset

Tiba Al Khalidy Business Coach

Having an entrepreneur mindset can hugely benefit your business and personal life. A discussed in our recent blog, an entrepreneur mindset is essential; whether you’re trying to succeed in a new entrepreneurial venture, differentiate yourself from your competition in the workplace, or simply working towards a better quality of life. An entrepreneur mindset enables you to accomplish your goals.

But why should you adopt an entrepreneur mindset? Here are my top tips for adopting this essential mindset for solopreneurs…

Emotional spending and how to keep it at bay this Christmas

Merry Christmas!   With everyone looking to see how they can spend as much quality time with family this year, whilst respecting Government guidelines, there is still the inclination as a nation to spend so much during the festive season. Why? Because we want to make people around us happy and make sure that everyone […]

How a Healthy Mindset Can Improve Your Business

Tiba Al Khalidy Business Coach

Setting up and running a business is a big commitment. It requires energy and determination and a willingness to take on a range of challenges that will come your way. It is no wonder that many business owners experience a negative mindset, low confidence and bouts of anxiety at times, which can ultimately alter the success of a business. However, developing a positive mindset can help you unlock your potential and thrive in your business and life.

Why is goal setting important to small business owners?

As a small business owner, it’s easy to lose sight of what you’re trying to achieve when you’re spinning multiple plates. Yet taking the time to sit down and set goals is one of the most powerful actions you can take in your business (as well as in your personal life) to see growth and success.

My coaching style

Tiba Al Khalidy Business Coach

When I am coaching a client I focus on their personal development and mindset; and then four key areas of business.
The four key areas of a business are:
Authentic Leadership
Team Development
Sales and Marketing

Keeping Positive

In such uncertain times it is so important to find ways to stay positive. Here I give my top tips for keeping positive and share some of the daily practices I am using to support my wellbeing at this time.

Top 5 tips for entrepreneur to manage change

We find ourselves in an unsettling and unprecedented situation right now.
Small businesses are having to face obstacles they hadn’t planned for; and the world is reacting to change in every way.
As a business and growth coach I have helped guide and support many businesses through change; enabling businesses to survive and understand the challenges presented to them; whilst preparing for growth on the other side.
There are some key factors that business owners should focus on during periods of change. Here are my top five tips for managing change.